Chi Siamo


Antonio Donvito

Antonio Donvito

Antonio has gained experience over the course of more than 30 years in civil and trade litigation, as well as issues related to business law and, most notably, banking law.


After earning a master’s degree in 1982 from Università degli Studi di Milano, where he wrote a thesis on banking consortia for corporate rebalancing, he began his career as Legal Affairs Manager at a holding company.

In 1985, he established his law firm, specializing in business and banking litigation, with a solid knowledge of corporate law, copyright law, and telecommunications law. In 1993, he oversaw the opening of the Italian branch of a British bank. At the turn of the century, he supervised the credits of Italian exporters toward nations in default, with the new deadlines established by the Paris Club. He increased his experience in all operations, both judicial and non-judicial, related to the transfer and scrutinization of non-performing loans (NPL).

He took part in arbitration proceedings, as president or member of the Court of Arbitration.

From 1993 to 2018, as a specialist and professor working on contract, he worked with the Università di Bergamo, the Università Cattolica di Milano, and the the Post Graduate School at the Università degli Studi di Milano.

In 2001, he became a member of the local province of Milan Committee for the enactment of the Euro. Up until 2019, he belonged to a unit set up by the Prefecture of Milan that assessed damage to victims of usury and extortion.

As a member of the Association of the Lawyers of Milan, he works with the Committee for civil law and the law of procedure.

He has been a member of the Tax Committee for the Province of Milan since 1984.

He is the author of several publications on law of procedure as well as banking law, including notable commentary on the Consolidated Act on Banking. He serves as a promoter and lecturer at conferences and seminars.










Of counsel