Chi Siamo


Massimo Belcredi

Massimo Belcredi

Massimo has 30 years of experience in corporate finance and corporate governance.


He holds a degree in Economics and Business Studies from Università Cattolica del S. Cuore, Milan.

He is professor of Corporate Finance at Università Cattolica del S. Cuore, Milan. He also lectured at the Piacenza campus of Università Cattolica, at Università della Svizzera Italiana and at Bologna University.

In 2021 he founded FIN-GOV, the Financial Research Centre on Corporate Governance at the Catholic University, of which he is director.

He qualified as Chartered Accountant (1989) and carries out professional activity in the following fields: Technical Consulting (appointed by the Court and by the parties); Consulting on corporate governance, executive remuneration and other corporate finance issues; Induction on corporate governance topics for directors and statutory auditors of listed companies. 

For 20 years, he was a consultant for Assonime (the Association of Italian listed companies) on corporate governance, corporate law, bankruptcy law and financial market regulation. In this context he has edited, since the first edition, the annual report on the application of the Italian Corporate Governance Code. He currently edits the FIN-GOV Report on the corporate governance of listed companies. He carries out consultancy and advisory activities, especially on company valuations and corporate governance issues.

Since 2002, he has held directorships in listed and unlisted, supervised and unregulated companies (among others, Arca SGR, Banca Italease, BPER Banca, Erg and Gedi). He is a member or chairman of board committees (appointments, remuneration, control and risk, related parties). In 2014 he received the "Ambrogio Lorenzetti" award for corporate governance.  

He published extensively on corporate governance, bankruptcy and reorganization, corporate and securities law and economics, and has been a speaker at national and international scientific conferences and at seminars promoted by national and international supervisory authorities (including the Bank of Italy, Consob, Esma).










Of counsel